Case study 1: HP-UNIX machine change name
  • Platform: HP-UNIX 11
  • Sybase ASE version: 12.5.3
  • Background story: Company received 2 HPs with preinstalled Sybase on them. When they are connected to the existing network, and turned on, Sybase works fine, but later, it turns out that those HPs have the same names as some of the existing computers
  • Task: rename HPs
  • Problem: when HPs are renamed, Sybase didn't want to start
  • Solution: from my experience with Windows, where it was enough to change computer name in sql.ini file, I've tried to change name in interfaces file, but it wasn't solved the problem.
    The real problem was in max_memory parameter. When I've got HPs, I set Sybase parameters to predefined values, and one of them is max_memory. With this parameter changed I didn't try to restart Sybase, but instead HPs names are changed. When Sybase was tried to start, following error occurred:
    kernel kistartup: could not create shared memory.
    So two things could be tried:
    1. decrease max_memory
    2. change kernel parameters.
    Second solution has been chosen, because bigger max_memory is required. Kernel parameter shmmax has been set to value which is greater then max_memory. After that action, and HPs restart, Sybase started normally.
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